Nisan'da Permakültür Buluşmaları

halka art project is hosting 4th of the permaculture meetings, this time in english!


In this workshop, we will not talk about macroeconomic theories or strategies to earn more money. We will though talk about how we can lead a rich and meaningful life by discovering our gifts and by focusing on giving more and more rather than possessing more and more. 

The topics, which we will share and experience within the frame of this workshop, are as follows:

- The understanding of “Sacred Economics” – with teachings from Charles Eisenstein
- What is “Gift Economy”?
- Examples and stories of gift economy from everyday life, from Anatolia and the world 
- Gift Circle

This workshop is offered in partnership with ISTANBUL PERMAKULTUR KOLEKTIFI (Istanbul Permaculture Collective).


Filiz Telek
Wild at heart, free in Spirit, curious in mind, Filiz is a nomadic artist, world traveler, spiritual seeker, a process host, a social innovator, an Earth activist, a community organizer whose purpose is to serve the evolution of human consciousness and awakening a sense of possibility and sacred in human heart & spirit. Filiz creates simple and beautiful visual narratives with “the resonance of the Sacred” to open hearts and to inspire/empower people to connect with the New Story – about who they are and how they can participate meaningfully in the Great Transition. By living in the gift, she's committed to re-enliving gift consciousness in the world. She is in the wisdom circle of Zumbara, first time bank in Turkey.

Begüm Erenler Soylu
Begüm has left herself to the flow of life to discover her gifts and share them with others. She has been a witness and an active member of the first time bank in Turkey, ZUMBARA giving and receiving inspiration about community building. She is in the wisdom circle of the group which is almost 15000 people now.
She is the founder of DalyanKIDS which is mainly an eco-holiday program for children.

27 April 2013 Saturday
11:00 -18:00

Participation Fee
Our workshop will take place in gift economy. We have a suggested contribution of 30 TL. Participants are welcome to offer more based on their gratitude or offer what they can if the suggested fee is beyond their capacity.